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What matter Speed or Perfection?

I have heard this enough when people keep asking what will you choose between “Speed” or “Perfection”

And do you know what the most appropriate answer is?

It’s not either “Speed” or “Perfection”

The answer is “It Depends”

And it actually does depend on the context or activity that we have to do or a situation which we have to handle.

I will share 2 cases which will give you clear perspectives from both sides and give you clarity on what I am trying to convey.


Case 1

When it comes to picking the perfect colour combination for clothes, my mom is the craziest individual I have ever seen.

She usually gets the colour match, but it takes her a lot of time to get the matching colour combination whenever we go out for shopping.

For every 1 perfect match, we have to go to the market 7–8 times on average and that is insane.

The reason behind this insanity is to look great in the eyes of others (which is an irrational behaviour)

In such a case, if we get an imperfect match it won’t hurt much.

I mean what are the consequences that you would have to face for wearing clothes that don’t match or seem imperfect?

I guess you would answer “Not much”

Just that a few people might judge you in their minds and a handful will say that “You look like a joker” on your face.

IRL, this activity doesn’t cost you either your security or survival and taking this task too seriously and thriving for perfection doesn’t actually make sense here.

In this case: Speed >>>> Perfection


Case 2

I have the experience of working for an Oil and Gas company, and such companies have an immense amount of capital involved.

I’ll give you a rough figure, for an oil well to just be drilled, we had to spend somewhere between 1.5 million — 2 million $

You see the cost are huge, and one silly mistake due to speed or urgency could lead to losses of thousands of dollars, sometimes lives of a few people as well.

If you haven’t heard about “Blowouts in Oil and Gas”, go and read about it.

A minute mistake of just decreasing the mud weight could lead to people losing their life and millions of dollars.

So the consequences of the mistake is huge and irreversible in this particular case.

You can’t play with speed here, you have to match the perfection as much as possible.

In this case: Perfection >>>>>> Speed


You see how it actually depends on the context of where we have to apply speed or perfection.

Answering the question without understanding the context and consequences actually showcases foolishness.

I hope this gave you a clear perspective on how to look at things

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